Monday, December 9, 2013

Hola Blogaroos

Long time, no write. I've been terribly busy and sick! Walking pneumonia + Tia = Pitiful! Anyways, I am much better now and I am here to share with each and every one of you, Holiday Angst/Anxiety. We ALL experience this EVERY year, and it never seems to get any easier, between bills, presents, outtings, and let us not forget families and shared times. I completely understand why suicide rates go up this time of year. Bills you're supposed to pay, but you don't know how. People becoming greedier by the day. Demanding families wanting more and more of your time, so between families and work and friend's holiday parties, please tell me when you will have time to sleep!? I hate spending money, so this time of the year I am sickened by how much I spend and how much everybody else spends. I want to tell parents, "No, you're already spoiled child who has a separate room for all of his/her toys, doesn't need ALL 25 toys on their list!" What happened  to worshipping the birth of Baby Jesus? He only got 3 presents (gold, frankincense, and myrhh) and HE is the savior of us sinners. Granted, his presents were expensive, but still, some parents spend way too much money. They're building unrealistic expectations for their children. Plus, when kids go back to school in January and are compaing what Santa brought all of them, some kids are going to feel that Santa plays favorites because they didn't get as much as other kids. Parents, please tell me if yall are competing with one another to buy your kids the most presents?? Oh, sure Dalton's mommy and daddy got him a 10 day vacation to Disney World, but Sophia's mommy and daddy could only afford to get her a new dolly. However, both presents come from "Santa," so will the other children think sweet little Sophia was on the naughty list because she only got one new present or was the annoying Dalton exceptionally good this year? It just doesn't make sense to spend all that money and causing yourselves so much stress. I understand wanting your child happy, but spending so much every time a holiday/birthday rolls around doesn't set them up for real life expectations. If you truly want your child to do well in life and receive meaningful presents, set them up savings accounts/cds. These gifts keep on giving and the child won't understand how meaningful of a present it is until they are older.
I am a Christian, but I hate organized religion. I don't do churches, I prefer to worship God in my own way. However, on Christmas, I feel it's appropiate to pay even more attention and yes, money, to a churches to keep on teaching the Word. I feel like children should receive 3-4 meaningful presents for Christmas instead of a hallway of presents that they're bound to foget. The fewer presents you give, the more the toys will be remembered and the more the toys will be played with. Don't get me wrong, I had a very blessed childhood, and I never wanted for much, but looking back, I don't remember many specific presents.

One more thing on my Christmas tyriade and it'll be over for the season, hopefully.

What is the craze with this stuffed, magical Elf on a Shelf?? Why are you making messes, that you'll have to clean up, and blaming it on a stuffed figure? How does it keep your children on their best behavior?? I just don't get it. I don't particularly want to becuase I don't want to imply that I care. I want to my kids to behave all year long, not just for a month, and I want them to know why we're buying them their presents, and that they're coming from us AND Santa.

Okay, I really feel that a weight has been lifted off my chest. Thanks for reading!


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