Friday, September 27, 2013

More names I hate!

26. Star
27.  Irenee (like irony)
28. Haven
29. Lela
30. Lila
31. Lola
32. Henley
34. Sage
35. Blakely
36. Jaylen (or any spelling of it)
37. Jaden
38. Haden
39. Aiden
40. Brayden
41. Memphis
42. Isaac
43. Brent
44. Natalie
45. Leslie
46. Bracklin
47. Quenisha
48. Rochelle
49. Rodham
50. Laiken

50 names off the top of my name that are terrible! You think changing the spelling makes your kid original or unique?? It just gives your child harder/more awkward names to spell and your kid grows up with a highly unorthodox name! What happened to regular, strong names? They're too old fashioned, y say? Well to me they're strong, if they were good enough to build this country, they're good enough for me!


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