So, I became that girl last night when it was midnight and Chris still wasn't home.I was baking cakes and cookies for his work, and had been since 6 that evening. Well, come midnight all I knew was that he was still at the office with his boss, who is a female. I broke one of the cakes, I was tired, and broke, so I drove to his office and embarassed us both. I did get his debit card and I did remake the cake and we talked it out, when he got home. Even though I knew he wasn't doing anything wrong or scandelous, I still went up there and confronted him because if the situation was reversed, he would have done the same thing. He is a male nurse, so he primarily works with females, therefore, I have to trust him as much as possible. But when it's midnight and he's not home and he was supposed to get off at 8, your mind begins to worry. I hated to do it, I was shaking the whole way, and I regret it now, but I was at my witts end.
So, Christopher, because I know you read these, here is my public apology. I am so sorry about freaking out last night, I have never been that girl before, and I never will be again. I love you so much.
That's it for now.
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