Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Things are Changing

Good afternoon readers! Today in Carrollton, GA I believe we have record breaking cold weather, it's the coldest it's been on this day. Before today, the record was held in 2000. That's just a random fact for you.

Last Wednesday was an emotional day, and it hasn't gotten much easier since then, but I am coming to terms with the inevitable. There comes a time where you will lose people close to you, and while it will never be easy, you have to learn to accept that they will be in a better place, no longer sick or in pain. That's where I'm keeping my mind right now. Soon, their suffering will end. That in itself is an answered prayer. I pray that the Lord's will will be done and that peace will settle on the minds of those I care about. 

So, now that I've put into words how my heart is feeling, I think I will tell y'all about mine and Chris's way of life.

Let's start in February. Every February we begin cleaning and getting together all of our fishing gear and we begin fishing in February. The fish we catch we clean and eat or freeze, or sometimes we throw them back. We continue fishing until about September. We fish from the bank and a boat. Though, personally, I've never had much luck from a boat.

In March, we plow the garden and plant our seeds. We have corn, okra, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, peas, cantaloupe, and watermelons  that we plant every year. We also have perennials like strawberries and blue berries and grapes. We work the field from March-October. We eat some, but we mostly can and freeze it all. 

In October, after those crops are finished we plant our winter vegetables, collard greens, cabbage, lettuce, mustard greens, turnip greens, and peas. We once again, eat some around Christmas time, but we fresh freeze them, to have at a later time. These come up around the end of December to the beginning or middle of January. It just depends on when we get them in the ground. 

Now, in October/November we hunt for one deer because it will feed us until the next year. For example, we have around 50 pounds of deer alone in the freezer right now. 

We don't hunt to just kill and we don't garden to let it go to waste. All year long we work to provide for our house. If you sit in the woods long enough, you will see that it could supply you with everything you need, if you know where to look. You may not have everything you want, but you'd have everything you need. The Lord is good like that, he will supply you with what you need, all you have to do is let your needs be known. It's important to not confuse your wants as needs. 

For everything that we have, we give thanks to the Heavenly Father. When we have food and heat. When we wake up next to each other every morning. When we have all of our needs met, we give thanks. When we are struggling, we turn to Him, when we need help, we turn to Him. We lift our voices up to the Lord when we need him and when we just want to talk with Him. He is the most perfect listener. I guess, that's the point of this blog. It took me a while to get to it, but there it is. When in doubt, pray it out. It's not a "one step, quicker picker upper," you may need to continuously pray, but the Lord's greatest gifts sometimes are unanswered prayers.
