Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Drizzling Cold Weather

Good evening! It's Tuesday and I was off work today, I did some house work, but I mostly read and watched tv because I've not felt the best today. Hopefully, I can accomplish more tomorrow because I am off then, too. It's drizzled and been cold all day, the sun never once showed it's pretty face. While I've not accomplished much today, my dear husband has been working his buns off. Sometimes, his job is like running in circles, no matter how much or how perfectly he does his job, they always find more for him to add to it. And when you're a perfectionist like him, it makes for a frustrated husband. I wish there was something I could do to help him, but quite unfortunately there isn't. All I can offer is my support and love and my ears when he needs to vent. 

Yesterday, I vaguely answered the question, "Who am I?" I'll go deeper into that question later this week, but today I will answer another question. 

What do I stand for? I stand for many things. I believe that before we go send food and money to other countries we should put food into the mouths of the children of our country. You should sweep by your own front door before you move onto others. I believe that every pet needs to be loved and cherished. Not locked in a cage, tied up, or not socialized. For your pet, they may only be in your life for a short time, but for them you are their life. I believe in equal opportunity for everyone, especially including those with special needs. You are a blessed person if you have even just one person with special needs in your life. If you have the time, you can learn so much from them. They have the most beautiful souls, you just have to see it for yourself. I stand for love. I believe everyone should experience the all-consuming love you think only exists in books until it happens to you. I have this love every day and I don't know what I would do if I never knew this all-consuming, powerful love.

I stand for acceptance. Just because people sin differently doesn't mean you should treat them like lepers. The Bible says, "Hate the sin, Love the sinner." It also says, "No sin is worse than any other, except blasphemy." I am paraphrasing here, but I know that no one is perfect. The one perfect person to have ever walked this earth, we killed, so unless He has came back, you're not any better than anyone else; so don't you dare cast that stone at anyone else. I get sick with anger when I see people judging those who are different in any way, shape, fashion, or form. There is not any excuse for it. Ever. Bullying, judging, casting off, treating someone unfairly, these all belong in this category. I am extremely passionate about this topic because I was bullied on and off my entire life and it took me forever to get over it. Even now at almost 25 years old, the insecurities the cruel children placed in my head still haunts me. 

I stand for respecting your family. You only get one, so even if you are completely different and you think there's no way you share DNA, even if they go about something completely different than you would there's no reason to ever talk down or treat them as if they are below you. Sure, some situations call for different actions, but at the end of the day your family is still your family. For better or worse there's no getting rid of them; however, I will say this, family isn't limited to those you share DNA with. Family is who is there with you when everything seems to be falling apart. When that happens, who is there helping pick up the pieces? That's your family. 

I could write so much more, but then what would I write about tomorrow? Goodnight, y'all. 


Follow me on Instagram: TiaMParson 
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There's one more picture of my family that I didn't get at my wedding, and now I never can get the whole family in one picture because he is now living beyond the Golden Gates. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday, We Meet Again

Hey everyone! Today has been an off day. My alarm didn't go off this morning, the fog was so thick on my way to work that everyone was driving extra slow, and when I got to work two of my bigger bosses were there. Yay, Monday, right? Wrong. I got settled in and I waited and waited and waited some more until my computer finally decided to load up. Okay, so now the day will get better. Nope. Two hours into work and I finally shake off my Morning Blues and then bam! The craziest situation occurred. I can't go into specifics, but it resulted in that client spending more than 30 minutes at my window while we figured out what we could do. Luckily, she was a good sport, and never once got upset or mad. Yay! So, then I had to do a report on this situation and what do you know, my computer freezes in the middle of the report. Awesome. So I call our sister branch and they dutifully walk me through the situation step by step. Yes! Now, it's time to balance and call it a day. (I only worked  3 hours today.) balancing was a cinch, and I'm out the door! Hooray! On to the grocery store, so I can get the ingredients to make my first ever lasagna. I know, I know. I went to culinary school and I've never made lasagna before. Shame on me. Since I've been home, the day is much better. Chris had a trying day at work, but hopefully homemade lasagna and tv with coffee will help his mood. This has been a funky Monday here at our house. The lasagna is in the oven, he's looking on the Internet, and I'm writing to you all. :-)

Today, I've been thinking a lot about myself. Who I am, what do I stand for, what do I support? I don't think anyone can answer these questions definitively because we as humans are always changing. I don't think our souls change though, I think you're either good or bad, but I don't think someone is inherently bad. I think they may have had something in their life make them that way. Little kids don't think when I grow up, I want to commit armed robbery and murder people. If they do, well, you may want to get their little heads checked out. 

I guess, I'll answer one question today. Who am I? I'll answer with what I have decided so far.
I am Tia.
I am a wife.
I am a daughter.
I am a sister/sister in law.
I am an aunt.
I am a granddaughter.
I am a niece.
I am a cousin.
I am a daughter in law.
I am a bank teller.
I am an animal activist.
I am beautiful.
I am worthy.
I am forgiven.
I am a Christian.
I am a lover.
I am an eternal optimist.
I am a little lazy.
I am a book nerd.
I am a friend.
I am a helper.
I am a leader.
I am a follower.
I am quiet.
I am a listener.
I am a problem solver.
I am loved.
I am loyal.
I am a romantic.
I am an Aquarius.
I am not a judge.
I am an equal opportunity supporter.
I am a student.
I am flawed.
I am strong.
I am mended.
I am Tia.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Saving dinero

Good afternoon! I apologize that it's been a few days since I have written, but I've been busy, and when I have been getting home, I've been exhausted. Thankfully, I was off yesterday and I could sleep in. We slept until 12 yesterday, went to bed at 4:45 this morning, and we slept until 1 today. I don't  remember the last time I slept that late. I got up and cooked sausage and waffles, and since then I've been sitting on the couch except for when I put a load of clothes in the washer. It's in the low 40s today, and I just don't feel like doing anything. While I cooked, Chris gave  both dogs a bath. They look, feel, and smell so much better! 

This year Chris and I are attempting to put $24,000 in savings. It's going to make some months tighter than others, but by the end of the year all of our debt, including Chris's car payment, should be paid off completely. Right now, we have $800 in savings, and this week we both get paid. We have to pay our phone bill, his car payment, and our rent this week, that'll cost exactly $740 for all three of those bills. Just thinking of all that money coming out at one time makes my heart rate speed up. We should be able to put about $500 or so in savings this week. January and February are always the two months where money is the tightest for us. By March we'll be caught up and be able to start putting a lot more into savings. Initially, we wanted to save $2000 a month, and come March, we'll probably be able to do that, and any extra money we come into will go into savings. Once we do our taxes, hopefully we'll get money back, and we'll be able to put that into savings, too. The first couple of months are the hardest when it comes to saving, but once you get into a pattern, it becomes a lot easier. 

I guess I wanted to share this with you all, so now you all can help keep us accountable. Of course, should an emergency come up, we'll be able to tap into what we've saved. I think what helps with my mindset is not keeping our savings in our account. It would be too easy to spend that, so we keep it in a special, safe place. When I look into the account I see one number, and I freak out, until I remember that that number isn't accurate. Then I also took additional money out so we wouldn't use the account, so it's a lot less that what we actually have. This helps my mindset though because I see what's in the account and I say to myself, okay, we're not spending any extra money. I think we'll meet our goal this year, but even if we come a little shy of it, it'll still be more in savings then we had last year.


Follow me on Instagram: TiaMParson
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