Sunday, January 11, 2015

Saving dinero

Good afternoon! I apologize that it's been a few days since I have written, but I've been busy, and when I have been getting home, I've been exhausted. Thankfully, I was off yesterday and I could sleep in. We slept until 12 yesterday, went to bed at 4:45 this morning, and we slept until 1 today. I don't  remember the last time I slept that late. I got up and cooked sausage and waffles, and since then I've been sitting on the couch except for when I put a load of clothes in the washer. It's in the low 40s today, and I just don't feel like doing anything. While I cooked, Chris gave  both dogs a bath. They look, feel, and smell so much better! 

This year Chris and I are attempting to put $24,000 in savings. It's going to make some months tighter than others, but by the end of the year all of our debt, including Chris's car payment, should be paid off completely. Right now, we have $800 in savings, and this week we both get paid. We have to pay our phone bill, his car payment, and our rent this week, that'll cost exactly $740 for all three of those bills. Just thinking of all that money coming out at one time makes my heart rate speed up. We should be able to put about $500 or so in savings this week. January and February are always the two months where money is the tightest for us. By March we'll be caught up and be able to start putting a lot more into savings. Initially, we wanted to save $2000 a month, and come March, we'll probably be able to do that, and any extra money we come into will go into savings. Once we do our taxes, hopefully we'll get money back, and we'll be able to put that into savings, too. The first couple of months are the hardest when it comes to saving, but once you get into a pattern, it becomes a lot easier. 

I guess I wanted to share this with you all, so now you all can help keep us accountable. Of course, should an emergency come up, we'll be able to tap into what we've saved. I think what helps with my mindset is not keeping our savings in our account. It would be too easy to spend that, so we keep it in a special, safe place. When I look into the account I see one number, and I freak out, until I remember that that number isn't accurate. Then I also took additional money out so we wouldn't use the account, so it's a lot less that what we actually have. This helps my mindset though because I see what's in the account and I say to myself, okay, we're not spending any extra money. I think we'll meet our goal this year, but even if we come a little shy of it, it'll still be more in savings then we had last year.


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